About Emp-tea.

Teas of Laughter. Emp-tea is a new fangled, politically correct, entirely organic form of intelligent entertainment. Our jokes are not at all silly, no. In fact, it often takes great brain power to understand them, so if you find yourself scratching your head, take a spoonful of cod-liver oil with your emp-tea until their meaning dawns on you.


Friday, 17 February 2012

Earth to Emptea: Please return.

Goodness me it has been a while hasn't it. 3rd year has kept us rather busy and we are all suffering from a pun and fun drought. Not to worry! Coming soon is more amusement from emptea including; "A Tale of Courtyard Pigeons" featuring our beloved Carl and Virginia, more specialiteas in some wonderful flavours including infinitea, unitea and insanitea, and possibly some cuddly bees! (you'll want to stay away from them).

In the meantime, here is some words and definitions from our new Emptea Dictionary (1st edition)

Chemistry - symbols and explosions
Cuddle Death - cuddling someone to death, incurring overheating. works well on queens...
Fllama - is it a fox? is it a llama?
Napternoon - a nap in the afternoon
Physics - something to do before you die.
Stuff - a collection of things.
Snowfa - seasonal sofa, a wintertime favourite Tofa - edible soya sofa! yum!
Threek - a fourk with 3 prongs
Trypography - type that's you know... tripe

Also here is a picture from The Frog Apprentice.

And finally a joke for any eca students:

Cinderella while waiting in Reprographics: "One day my prints will come!"

1 comment:

  1. CUDDLE DEATH! What a wonderful post. The repro bit is amazing! More emp-tea soon soon soon :)
