In the meantime, here is some words and definitions from our new Emptea Dictionary (1st edition)
Chemistry - symbols and explosions
Cuddle Death - cuddling someone to death, incurring overheating. works well on queens...
Fllama - is it a fox? is it a llama?
Napternoon - a nap in the afternoon
Physics - something to do before you die.
Stuff - a collection of things.
Snowfa - seasonal sofa, a wintertime favourite Tofa - edible soya sofa! yum!
Threek - a fourk with 3 prongs
Trypography - type that's you know... tripe
Also here is a picture from The Frog Apprentice.
And finally a joke for any eca students:
Cinderella while waiting in Reprographics: "One day my prints will come!"
CUDDLE DEATH! What a wonderful post. The repro bit is amazing! More emp-tea soon soon soon :)